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奧斯卡的一天 Fruitvale Station 賴瑞金之死 Valentine Road 她和她的世界 The World Before Her 夢想實驗室 If You Build It |
不如跳舞 Dancing in Jaffa 伴唱人生 : 聚光燈外20呎 Twenty Feet From Stardom 火箭男孩 The Rocket 生命之環 Circles |
奧斯卡的一天 Fruitvale Station
美國 USA│2013│劇情片Drama│85min│輔導級│Ryan COOGLER
新北市 5/3 19:00 台中 5/4 14:00 台東 5/3 15:30 (誠品)
FRUITVALE STATION follows the true story of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who wakes up on the morning of December 31, 2008 and feels something in the air. Crossing paths with friends, family, and strangers, Oscar starts out well, but as the day goes on, he realizes that change is not going to come easily. His resolve takes a tragic turn, however, when BART officers shoot him in cold blood at the Fruitvale subway stop on New Year's Day. Oscar's life and tragic death would shake the Bay Area – and the entire nation – to its very core.
不如跳舞 Dancing in Jaffa
美國、以色列 USA - Israel │ 2013│ 紀錄片 Documentary│87 min│普遍級│Hilla MEDALIA
新北市 5/1 19:00 台中 5/1 16:00 台東 5/3 18:00 (誠品)
DANCING IN JAFFA follows Pierre DULAINE, an internationally renowned ballroom dancer, as he returns to his birthplace, Jaffa, to fulfill his lifelong dream of teaching Jewish and Palestinian-Israeli children to dance together. The film explores the stories of four children forced to confront issues of identity, segregation and racism, as they dance with their enemies.
賴瑞金之死 Valentine Road
美國 USA│ 2013│ 紀錄片Documentary│89 min│保護級│Marta CUNNINGHAM
新北市 5/4 16:00 台中 5/2 16:00
In February 2008, a classroom shooting shattered the coastal, working-class town of Oxnard. 15-year-old "Larry" King lay dead and his 14-year-old attacker Brandon awaited trial for murder. The documentary unravels the tragic murder of a young teenager who had begun exploring his gender identity. It unpacks circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as its complicated aftermath by interviewing Larry's classmates and teachers, Brandon's mother, brothers and girlfriend; defense attorneys and prosecutor...etc. Ultimately, VALENTINE ROAD raises key questions facing schools and communities all over the country: what do you do to help kids like Brandon and Larry before violence occurs—and what do you do after you've failed?
伴唱人生 : 聚光燈外20呎 Twenty Feet From Stardom
美國 USA│ 2013│ 紀錄片 Documentary│91min│普遍級│Morgan NEVILLE
新北市 5/3 13:30(盲人特別場)、5/4 19:00 台中 5/3 18:30 台東 5/3 13:00 (誠品)
數百萬人聽過她們的聲音,卻鮮少人認識她們。《伴唱人生 : 聚光燈外20呎》將鎂光燈聚焦在和聲歌手身上,呈現二十一世紀經典的音樂作品背後,不曾被分享過的動人故事。此片獲得2014年奧斯卡金像獎最佳紀錄長片獎。
Millions know their voices, but no one knows their names. TWENTY FEET FROM STARDOM shines a spotlight on the untold true story of the backup singers behind some of the greatest musical legends of the 21st century.
她和她的世界 The World Before Her (導演出席映後座談)
加拿大 Canada│ 2012│ 紀錄片Documentary│90 min│保護級│Nisha PAHUJA
新北市 5/3 10:30 台中 5/3 16:00 台東 5/4 15:00 (鐵花村)
Moving between two extremes—the intimate verité drama of the Miss India pageant's rigorous beauty boot camp and the intense regime of a militant Hindu fundamentalist camp for young girls—THE WORLD BEFORE HER delivers a provocative portrait of India and its current cultural conflicts during a key transitional era in the country's modern history.
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《她和她的世界》導演妮莎.帕胡賈擅長透過紀錄片的力量表達對社會與政治議題的關懷。她2001年作品《Bollywood Bound》為該年度加拿大Hot Docs電影節閉幕片,並在世界各地多個影展放映獲得好評。她曾執導系列紀錄片《璀璨鑽石路》,該片被稱為紀錄片版的《血鑽石》,深刻探討全球化議題。《她和她的世界》為導演妮莎‧帕胡賈第三部紀錄片,此片在世界各大影展獲獎無數,且在全球各地超過125個影展放映。
火箭男孩The Rocket
澳洲 Australia│ 2013│ 劇情片Drama│92min│輔導級│Kim MORDAUNT
新北市 5/4 13:00 台中 5/6 16:00 台東 5/4 13:00 (誠品)
A boy (Ahlo, 10), who is believed to bring bad luck, is blamed for a string of disasters. In a last plea to try and prove he's not cursed, Ahlo builds a giant explosive rocket to enter the most lucrative but dangerous competition of the year: the Rocket Festival. As the most bombed country in the world shoots back at the sky, will Ahlo reach to the heavens for forgiveness?
Gripping yet heart-warming, THE ROCKET is a deeply personal story about the determination of a boy who has the odds stacked against him, set against the epic backdrop of a war-ravaged country on the brink of huge change.
夢想實驗室 If You Build It (導演出席映後座談)
美國 USA│ 2013│ 紀錄片Documentary│86min│普遍級│Patrick CREADON
新北市 5/2 19:00 台中 5/3 13:00 台東 5/4 18:00 (鐵花村)
一個美國北卡羅萊納州最貧窮的地區,設計師兼行動主義份子Emily Pilloton和Matt Miller透過人性化的設計與巧思,帶給當地學生美國最具創新力的教室。他們花了一年的時間,不僅教導當地學生建築計巧和設計概念,更啟發學生創意思考,進而為他們的社區以及生活帶來改變。
IF YOU BUILD IT follows designer-activists Emily Pilloton and Matthew Miller to rural Bertie County, the poorest in North Carolina, where they work with local high school students to help transform both their community and their lives. Living on credit and grant money and fighting a change-resistant school board, Pilloton and Miller lead their students through a year-long, full-scale design and build project that does much more than just teach basic construction skills: it shows ten teenagers the power of design-thinking to re-invent not just their town but their own sense of what's possible.
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生命之環 Circles
塞爾維亞、德國、法國、克羅埃西亞 Serbia-Germany-France- Croatia
2012│劇情片Drama│112min│輔導級│Srdan GOLUBOVIC
新北市 5/3 16:00
波斯尼亞內戰期間,士兵馬可(Marko)在休假返鄉的途中,為了保護眼前被暴力欺凌的穆斯林店員哈里斯(Harris),而被三名士兵活活打死。這樁悲劇過後的十二年,命運讓當年的當事者與親友再度重逢。改編自真實故事,導演Srdan Golubovic採用多線敘事,交錯呈現出悲劇對每個人的後續影響,以及他們各自所需要面對的課題。
Marco, a Serbian soldier on leave during the war, returns to his Bosnian hometown. When three fellow soldiers accost Haris, a Muslim shopkeeper, Marco intervenes, but it costs him his life. Twelve years later the war is over, but the wounds remain open. CIRCLES unfolds as a triptych, exploring the moral convolutions and complex story strands that emerge from one fateful moment.